Tuesday, October 19, 2010


That was another day full of adventures :D
I woke up and since a considerable time spent wandering around finally got to the local supermarket (Tos) and bought some bread, jiuce, chocolate and pudding :D The lady cashier asked me some questions and I didn't recognize the words but I mirraculously knew what she ment and kept answering "Ne" which is the same in Slovenian and Bulgarian. However, I fear that people hear may think I'm rude since I try to speak in Slovenian but sometimes fail to keep up - here everyone greets you in the elevator with "Hi" and "Bye" and in the shops as well and they tell you "Thank you" ("Hvala") all the time. Good thing I learned fast how all there things are in Slovenian :)
My next mission was to go walking around some sights in the center. I walked downtown (which took only 30 min) and passed by the City hall, the old town, crossed the river, saw the Faculty of architecture (a beautifully decorated by plants building), The Library, The University, The Filharmonia and some other pretty buildings along the river. When I passed the City hall, I entered in a shop for souveniers and stuff and got me postcards (the usual thing for me) and a cute little notebook from recycled paper and sunflower stickers.
I was supposed to go fetch Ger from her faculty but still had time since here I finish my sight-seeing trips always too early (even though I usually leave very late). And there was this H&M shop on my way so I couldn't resist the temptation and that brought additional luggage to my backpack again. But well, who can resist a 5-euro sweet artsy shirt, a 3-euro cute Hello Kitty nightgown and an adorable 1-euro owl case that my phone fit so perfectly in ;)
My next stop was the Faculty of Social Sciences. It was a bit far but I was still feeling enthusiastic about walking. There were 2 curious happennings on the way. First as I was quietly standing and waiting for some vehicles to pass so as to cross the street, a driver from the public transport stopped the bus and waited for me to cross the zebra...I was amazed! That can never never never happen in Bulgaria :D The other thing was this amazing wall covered with graffitti that was more like a painting. I took out my camera but a car stopped so I could pass on the zebra and I couldn't take the picture :(
After some more time I reached the faculty and waited for Ger to finish her class. I had gone to the Tourist information center earlier and gotten a bunch of maps so I looked at the one named "For young travellers" and they had funny facts about the country which made me laugh a bit and very useful tips about places to eat and relax and all the bars :) Finally Ger came out and introduced me to some of her colleagues and showed me around the Faculty. We took the bus home but I wasn't to stay long since I had arranged a meeting with a guy (Uros)from Coachsurfing who offered to show me some things of Ljubljana - my first such experience!
We met at 20.15 (I got off the bus one stop too early and had to walk again) and he showed me Metelkova - this crazy underground art place. There were amazing graffitti but most of the bars and places were closed. We went inside the famous Celica hostel (a former prison) and saw a photo exhibition of Norwegians of anything from seals to gypsies. Uros told me about some events happenning on Thursday. We also saw this huuuuuuge graffitti of a rat - it was awesome :D Next we went to a nice cafe (which turned out to be Kavarna SME), where we both had green jasmin tea and a nice conversation. However, soon he had to go since he had some work to do and he was staying at his girlfriend's place (not currently living in Ljubljana). He took me to a bus stop at the train station and we said "Bye". We were considering going to some parties afterwards but finally staid home.

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